
Alnico Magnets Manufacturers and Suppliers

IQS Directory provides an extensive list of alnico magnet manufacturers and suppliers. Utilize our website to review and source alnico magnet manufactures with our easy-to-use features which allow you to locate alnico magnet companies that will design, engineer, and manufacturer alnico magnets for your exact specifications. Our request for quote forms make it easy to connect with leading alnico magnet manufacturers. View company profiles, website links, locations, phone number, product videos, customer reviews, product specific news articles and other production information. We are a leading manufacturer directory who will connect you with the right manufacturers whether you are looking for flat alnico magnets, permanant alnico magnets, or ferromagnetics.
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  • Valparaiso, IN

    Our customers know they can trust us to provide them with the best magnets in the industry. We supply magnets from only the best manufacturers in the world. We will not offer substandard products or anything that is not the most cost-effective solution. Our goal is to provide the perfect product to our customers for less! Find out more on our website today!

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  • Rochester, NY

    Founded in 1895, Arnold Magnetic Technologies is a leading global manufacturer of high performance permanent magnets, electromagnetics, magnetic assemblies, and precision thin metals. Arnold’s magnets, metals, and systems are used in high-efficiency electric motors and generators, sensors, batteries, and more. A US-based corporation with several ITAR locations complying with DFAR throughout their supply chain, and certified to SAE AS9100D and ISO9001:2015.

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  • Garland, TX

    CMS Magnetics excels as a leading magnet supplier, offering a vast array of high-quality neodymium, hard ferrite, SmCo, and AlNiCo magnets. We also provide diverse magnetic assemblies like pot magnets, channel magnets, and magnetic lifters, tailored for various applications. Our commitment to excellence is backed by a 100% customer satisfaction guarantee and a money-back promise. We accept custom orders across all magnetic materials, ensuring precise fulfillment of your needs.

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  • West Chester, OH

    At TyTek Industries, we are experts in manufacturing magnetic components. Our magnetics catalog include magnetic assembly, alnico magnets, rare earth magnets, and many more. It is our team’s mission to always draw on our strengths and experience to ensure the very best service and quality for our customers. For more information, visit our website or call today!

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Alnico Magnets Industry Information

Alnico Magnets

Alnico magnets are a type of permanent magnet that is manufactured from a specific magnetic alloy for the properties that it contains. The magnetic alloy, "alnico," is an acronym of aluminum, nickel and cobalt, the three main elements in this mid-grade permanent magnet. Some characteristics of alnico are that it is hard, brittle, has a low coercive force, excellent temperature stability, high residual induction and fairly high energies.

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Alnico Magnet Applications and Materials

Alnico magnets, in addition to their composition of aluminum, nickel and cobalt, can also be alloyed with iron, copper and often titanium in order to create a magnet with a stronger magnetic force than all other permanent magnets (with the exception of the rare earth elements of neodymium and samarium-cobalt). More cost-effective than high-strength rare earth magnets and having higher magnetic force and permanence than ceramic magnets, alnico magnets are the perfect fit for a wide range of applications. For instance, cow magnets are made exclusively from alnico, and alnico magnets are also used in sound amplification, electric motors, sensors and many sorting and lifting tools. In addition to these applications, alnico magnets are utilized in industries including instrumentation, research and music for electric guitar pickups, loudspeakers, traveling wave tubes and many others.

Fabricating Alnico Magnets

Alnico magnets are similar to ferrite ceramic magnets but are less brittle, more easily fabricated into shapes, and have higher magnetic resistance. Being a metallic magnet rather than ceramic, they do not always need to be nickel-coated for structural applications like ceramic magnets do. Additionally, alnico magnets have medium-high magnetic force but relatively unstable magnetic permanence under corrosion or vibration, making them unsuitable for motor, water treatment and sound speaker applications. There are two main methods by which alnico magnets are fabricated: casting and sintering processes. The casting process entails heating up the alnico until it achieves a molten state, and then pouring the molten alnico into a mold. Once in the mold, the alnico is further processed by means of varied heat treating cycles. Cast alnico magnets offer the advantage of working extremely well in terms of magnetic capability, but suffer in terms of mechanical properties as they are often characterized by casting voids and hairline cracks in the alnico. The sintering process, on the other hand, involves the manufacturing of solid parts, such as various stock magnet shapes like rods, bars, channels and horseshoes, from powdered materials that are heated to just below the melting point in order to cause particulate adhesion.

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Alnico Magnets Informational Video


Getting into the Magnetic Signage Game

  The idea of feeding a big magnet through a printer sounds a little strange on its face. Many people picture the hard, U-shaped or bar magnets from high school science class when they think about magnets, which I’m sure wouldn’t feed through your printer at all. Fortunately, what we’re talking about printing are flexible magnets, also called rubber magnets, like the kind you’ve probably seen on refrigerator doors all of your life. People have been printing sports schedules or local business ads on magnets for years, hoping that they’ll... Read More About This