
Die Cut Foam Manufacturers and Companies

IQS Directory implements a thorough list of die cut foam manufacturers and suppliers. Utilize our listing to examine and sort top die cut foam manufacturers with previews of ads and detailed descriptions of each product. Any die cut foam company can design, engineer, and manufacture die cut foam to meet your companies specific qualifications. An easy connection to reach die cut foam companies through our fast request for quote form is provided on our website. The company information includes website links, company profile, locations, phone, product videos and product information. Customer reviews are available and product specific news articles. This source is right for you whether it's for a manufacturer of die cut foam inserts, die cutting foam sheet, and die cut plastic foam. Read Industry Info...

  • Evansville, IN

    We know that high tech products require die cut parts that are created with precision and care. We have the highest quality standards in the die cutting industry because we know that with die cutting accuracy is so important. After we cut the prototype for your product and after receiving your approval we pledge that your orders will be shipped within ten business days or less. We know timelines matters this is why we strive to meet every deadline, every time. Get in touch with us today!

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  • Franklin, WI

    CFS produces industrial masking products and flexible, converted materials such as gaskets, spacers, thermal pads, and EMI shielding for finishers, OEMs, and related suppliers. Please visit to request information or to browse our selection of products online.

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  • Grand Rapids, MI

    We provide our customers with the best die cut foam options in the world. We work hard to bring the very best quality and technology to all our customers, no matter where you are located or what you do! We believe in offering the best quality in every application, from the smallest samples and prototypes to huge, ongoing orders. Find out what makes us different on our website!

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  • Mukilteo, WA

    Gardico has been providing superior products and workmanship to industrial customers since 1977. Our die cutting capabilities satisfy needs for standard and custom gaskets, pads, insulators and decorative pieces in quantities from 5 or 10 to tens of thousands. We work with stock or customer provided materials: rubber, foam, vegetable fiber, cloth, cork, felt, gasket sheet, thin plastics and foils.

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  • Carson City, NV

    REDCO offers complete die cutting services to produce custom die cut gaskets and other custom die cuts that perfectly match our customers’ specifications. All of our steel rule dies are laser cut to guarantee quality and accuracy of the finished product. We have over 70 years of experience in die cutting non-metallic and metal parts. We strive to provide the best possible prices, the best-quality products and on-time deliveries to a wide range of industries.

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Die Cut Foam Industry Information

Die Cut Foam

Die cut foam products are shapes cut out of foam sheets by a die cutter. Die cutters are stamping or rolling tools that cut specially designed shapes out of flat sheets. Die cutters can also be used to cut shapes out of metal, plastic, wood, rubber and other materials. Die cut foam is used to make several different products.

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Die Cutting Process

All die cut foam products are made in die cut machines. Every die cut machine can be specially configured to create a specific shape. During the process of die cutting, thin blades, called dies, are used to cut out shapes in various types of materials. Different types of die cutting include flat and rotary laser die cutting, blade type rotary die cutting, ultrasonic die cutting, and steel rule die cutting. Die cut foam can be produced by any of these types of die cutting. A foam is technically any material in which gas bubbles are suspended. In the context of die cut foam products, foamed synthetic polymers are the most common raw materials. Neoprene, polystyrene, polyethylene, PVC and polyurethane are just a few examples of common raw materials that are turned into die cut foam products. Each raw material offers different qualities of softness, strength, durability, shelf life and resistance to high or low temperatures. Carefully selecting the right die cut foam material for its application is important for every professional considering the use of die cut foam products.

Applications of Die Cut Foam

Die cut foam offers shock and vibration absorption when used in packaging, inserts, insulation, and cushioning. Gaskets, seals, cushion pads, insulators, vibration mounts, sound dampening products and a wide variety of other products can involve die cut foam in some way. Die cut foam is especially popular as a permanent packaging and cushioning material. Many expensive, portable electronics or other sensitive equipment that is stored in casings while not in use or for travel are secured in their cases by specially-shaped, die cut foam products. Camera lenses, for example, can be protected by carefully formed, die cut cushions that are long lasting and impact-absorbent. Die cut foam is also popular as an acoustically absorbent material for use in recording studios and radio stations. Also, novelty products like sports team promotional materials are often made of die cut foam.

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