
Pacific IC Source

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P.O. Box 832
Calimesa, CA 92320
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At Pacific IC Source, we are dedicated to providing high-quality electronic components to our customers. We specialize in hard-to-find and obsolete electronic parts and components, and have a reputation for providing exceptional customer service and support. Our goal is to be your go-to supplier for all your electronic component needs. We offer a wide range of electronic components from a variety of manufacturers. Our inventory includes semiconductors, passive components, integrated circuits, and more. We are always expanding our inventory to stay up-to-date with the latest technology and industry trends. We also offer custom solutions for customers with unique or specific needs. At Pacific IC Source, we offer a range of services to support our customers' needs. Our team of experts can assist with component selection, sourcing, and procurement. We also offer value-added services such as tape and reel, programming, and testing. Our customer service team is available to answer any questions and provide support throughout the entire purchasing process. We have developed strong relationships with suppliers and manufacturers around the world. We have the capability to source and supply hard-to-find and obsolete components quickly and efficiently. We also have a quality control program in place to ensure that our customers receive only the highest quality components. In addition, we have invested in state-of-the-art technology and infrastructure to support our operations. Our inventory management system allows us to track and monitor inventory levels and provide real-time updates to our customers. We also have a robust logistics and shipping department, which ensures that our components are delivered on time and in perfect condition. At Pacific IC Source, we are committed to providing exceptional service and high-quality electronic components to our customers. Whether you are looking for a specific component or need assistance with sourcing and procurement, our team is here to help. Contact us today to learn more about our products and services.