The Ultimate Guide to Digital Disruption

Disruption has always been a part of business. Old business models become irrelevant, and new business models replace them. When the new models first appear, they are almost always met with resistance. Change is hard, and people want to stay comfortable and do things the way they always have. But the inevitable always happens, and […]

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Data Collection Is Reaching New Heights- Here’s What You Need To Know

Most people who have used social media have experienced the process of searching for something online only to find it show up as an advertisement on their social media feed. It has become commonplace for people to have their internet searches automatically coincide with other parts of their internet experience. In some cases, people may […]

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Are You Ready for These World Changing Technologies In 2023?

Buckle up, because the coming year will usher in a number of absolutely world changing technological advancements in industrial manufacturing. These trends have to potential to revolutionize the way business is conducted across the globe and the way we as individual interact with businesses. Beginning with the very tools we use to buy things, entertain […]

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Looking Back and Forward: How 2022 Tech Trends Will Carry Into 2023

Technology trends in recent years have moved ever-faster and taken us further into the sci-fi future than our ancestors could have ever predicted. From smart home-enabled devices that control our thermostats and refrigerators from across the country to secure, democratic cryptocurrencies that provide secure stores of value, recent trends have brought many pipe dream technologies […]

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Do We Need to Replace the Cloud with Edge Computing?

If you work in information technology, you know everything is constantly changing. Once the majority of people are comfortable with one technology, the next one is ready to push that one out of place. One of the most recent innovations is cloud computing. Dropbox, Google Drive, and Amazon Web Services all run on the cloud. […]

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Lofty Dreams: How the Flying Taxi May Finally Realize Our Desire for the Flying Car

If you thought the future of transportation was just electric cars and autonomous vehicles, well, there’s a push to take things a little higher. Certainly, gasoline-free, self-driving cars are all the rage right now, and rightfully so. We are deep into the testing phase of cars that reach level four automation (level five means they […]

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The 4th Industrial Revolution Is Here. Are You Ready?

Once every century (give or take), society and technology undergo a massive revolution. Suddenly we see major changes coming hand in hand with scientific discoveries. The wheel, fire, papyrus, Guggenheim and his press, the steam engine - all enormous, incredibly profound inventions that flipped the world on its head and created new realities. There’s a […]

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The Mind-Blowing Technology We Saw This Year & What’s Coming

It’s astonishing how much incredible technology available now, and will be in the near future. This year has shown us some of the coolest technology is becoming less the stuff of sci-fi movies and government labs and more items, such as clean rooms and ultrasonic cleaners, that are becoming readily available for us to use, […]

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Virtual Reality Devices - Where They Are Now & Where They’re Going

The idea of virtual reality has been around for years. Sci-fi nerds have dreamed of being able to step onto virtual planets and meet with alien beings. But until recently, virtual reality technology has been extremely limited, both in availability and quality. But things are changing. Here is another consumer technology - like automated cars […]

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How Wireless Charging Will Soon Be a Game Changer

Do you know any risk takers? An adrenaline junkie or someone who lives life on the edge. You know the type - they climb mountains, jump out of planes, and of course walk around with less than 20% battery life on their smartphones. Seriously, these people are crazy. Many of us freak out when the […]

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