Are Smart Thermostats Worth the Investment?

You’ve heard about “smart” thermostats and how they are revolutionizing homes around the world. But are they really worth it? Do they provide that many advantages over traditional thermostats? And is it really worth spending the money and time replacing your current thermostats with smart ones? We’re going to break it down for you.   […]

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The Next Thing in Camera Technology: Mirrorless!

Since the first tin-type photographs in the 1800’s, photography has come a long way. Kodak 110’s, Polaroid instant photos, 35mm, digital cameras, cameras in our smartphones – it’s quite a camera world out there! So, what is the newest enhancement to photography? The Mirrorless Camera is the current, hot trend for serious photographers, but does […]

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Robots & Artificial Intelligence Are Coming to Your Work, Home, & Car

We are becoming more accustomed to jaw-dropping video game technology, Amazon’s Alexa speakers, and nifty Android and iOS apps that seem to let us do just about anything. While commercial technology continues to make leaps and bounds each year, what role does artificial intelligence play in all of this, and how will AI and robots […]

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What Can We Expect from Hologram Technology in the Future?

As technology continues to progress, we are given the opportunity to explore new and more exotic types of programming, software, hardware, and systems. One innovation that is growing at a rapid pace is hologram technology.   What Exactly Are Holograms? Holography is a photographic technique that records the light scattered from an object, and then presents […]

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Virtual Reality Devices - Where They Are Now & Where They’re Going

The idea of virtual reality has been around for years. Sci-fi nerds have dreamed of being able to step onto virtual planets and meet with alien beings. But until recently, virtual reality technology has been extremely limited, both in availability and quality. But things are changing. Here is another consumer technology - like automated cars […]

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Is Cloud Computing Really Better for Business? Survey Says…

Cloud computing is an increasingly popular term, just as using the cloud for storage, applications, and business servers is an increasingly popular practice. Businesses of all sizes are implementing cloud technology to reduce sunk costs, overhead, and physical space dedicated to computing. But the term is still widely misunderstood and the use cases of cloud […]

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Are Smart Glasses Ready to Succeed In 2023?

It’s been six years since consumers met Google Glass. To put it nicely…they were a flop (more on that in a bit). But we’ve come a long way since then. We now have fitness trackers, smartwatches, and even smart shoes. Wearables are getting more convenient and less obtrusive every day. Now, innovators are looking to […]

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Are You Ready For The Cyborg Technology Coming In 2023?

The term cyborg became popular after the release of the movie The Terminator in 1984. “The 600-series had rubber skin. We spotted them easy, but these are new. They look human… sweat, bad breath, everything. Very hard to spot.” One of the main characters of the film, Kyle Reese, a soldier from the future, described […]

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