Perforated Plastic Sheets RFQ

Please fill out the following form to submit a Request for Quote to any of the following companies listed on  Perforated Plastic Sheets
*Indicates required field

Select Company Name(s):*

Accurate Perforating Company, Inc. (IL)
Remaly Manufacturing Company, Inc. (PA)
Pectec Corporation (SC)

Enter Your Contact Info:

Company Name:*
Contact Name:*
Contact Email:*
Contact Phone:
City, State:


What specifications and/or questions do you have for the manufacturer(s)?
Attachments if any(Maximum file size advisable is 2MB)
Attachment1 :
WARNING: This form is not to be used for solicitation. Solicitation is a violation of the Terms and Conditions of this site. Solicitors will have their IP banned and reported to the FCC.

We will keep your personal information private and secure.We will not share your email address with any third parties.