
Thermoforming Manufacturers and Companies

IQS Directory implements a thorough list of thermoforming companies and suppliers. Utilize our listing to examine and sort top thermoforming companies with previews of ads and detailed descriptions of each product. Any thermoforming company can design and engineer thermoforming services to meet your companies specific qualifications. An easy connection to reach thermoforming companies through our fast request for quote form is provided on our website. The company information includes website links, company profile, locations, phone, product videos and product information. Customer reviews are available and product specific news articles. This source is right for you whether it's for a company of plastic thermoforming, automotive thermoforming, and medical thermoformers. Read Industry Info...

  • Greeneville, TN

    Thermoforming is what we are all about! We have the capabilities to produce face-on blisters, trays, fillers, structures and any other product you desire. We also have machines that are capable of thermoforming both small and large items for your convenience. Your product materials may include PVC, APET, PETG, HIPS, ABS or many other materials that are available in a variety of colors as well. Call today to learn more!

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  • Lake Bluff, IL

    Since 1960, Profile Plastics Inc. has been at the forefront of thermoforming technology. Utilizing the latest software and technology, our expert staff of engineers can design custom vacuum, pressure, and twin-sheet thermoformed solutions. Over the last 60 years, we have developed a process that allows us to deliver consistent, high volume, and precise products with superior quality. Our high quality products are manufactured with great attention to detail. ISO 9001:2015 certified.

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  • Sparks, NV

    Quality Plastics Inc. has been a leading manufacturer of vacuum forming since 1976. Whether you need a small batch of custom vacuum-formed parts or a large-scale production run, we have the capabilities and expertise to deliver. We are committed to providing our customers with exceptional vacuum-formed products and services that meet their needs and exceed their expectations. Contact us today to learn more about our vacuum-forming capabilities.

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  • Stirling, NJ

    Engineered Plastic Products custom forms & fabricates sheet thermoplastic materials, standard & specialized, for any number of industrial & commercial requirements. EPP has been widely recognized for outstanding manufacturing & service since 1958 for companies such as GE, NASA & AT&T. Custom fabricated parts can be as large as 72"x108" down to 2"x2" in any thickness up to 1 1/2". Post-forming includes all types of machining & assembly.

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  • Edwardsburg, MI

    At Duo Form, we are pioneers in the realm of vacuum-formed plastic products. With a collective passion for precision engineering and creative problem-solving, we've established ourselves as leaders in delivering high-quality solutions to a wide range of industries.

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  • Coleman, MI

    Robinson Industries offers thermoformed and injection molded reusable, heavy duty plastic pallets, packaging and more. We are one of the largest suppliers of reusable pallets to many industries because of our expertise based on 65 years in business, our completely in-house process and our high quality certifications including ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 14001:2004. Join the Robinson Family today!

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Thermoforming Industry Information


The term “thermoforming” refers to a manufacturing process during which plastic materials are made to form parts through heating, stretching and cooling. It yields medium to large scale results quickly, frequently producing uniform parts within seconds of each other.

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Advantages of Thermoforming

Thermoforming is a fairly inexpensive procedure, used to the benefit of industries including: cosmetics, sports and recreation, food processing, healthcare, entertainment, electronics, appliance, textile, toy and office supply. Thermoforming is valued in packaging and shipping in particular, because it allows them to quickly and economically receive products they rely on, like shrink wrap, bins, clamshells and blister packs.

Process of Thermoforming

The basic thermoforming process is carried out as follows: First, thermoplastic film or sheet is fed into a heating device; to raise the temperature of the plastic, the heater harnesses the power of either infrared radiation, natural gas or electricity. The plastic remains in the heater until it becomes pliable and soft. The time it takes and the temperature selected for this to happen depends on the properties of the plastic being used. Regardless, once pliable, the plastic is moved over to the form station, where it is stretched over a temperature-controlled surface known as a buck or a mold.

At this point, the technique used to solidify the form varies. Most often, manufacturers use a method called vacuum forming. During vacuum forming, a vacuum suctions the air between the plastic and the mold, forcing them together. Another common method of adherence-securing is pressure forming.

During pressure forming, pressurized air pushes the plastic into the mold. Of the two, pressure forming yields the best level of adherence and is preferred for detail-heavy applications. Another option is twin sheet thermoforming, which combines and seals two thermoplastic sheets together with a seam around their edges to form one uniform part.

Finally, drape forming involves draping the heated plastic over the mold in order to create parts with a gradual bend. After this step, the thermoforming process once again becomes fairly standard: the part is dried, allowed to cool, cured and ejected. If it needs it, it can then be trimmed via CNC machining, drilling, cutting or hand routing. Once this is done, it may undergo secondary processes like hot stamping or printing.

Types of Thermoforming

Generally speaking, thermoforming can be divided into two categories:

Thin-gauge thermoforming and heavy-gauge, or thick, thermoforming. Those sheets that are less than .06 inches (1.5 mm) thick are formed by thin-gauge thermoforming procedures, while sheets that exceed .12 inches (3 mm) in thickness are formed via heavy-gauge thermoforming. Common thin-gauge products include disposable or recyclable items like food containers, lids, trays, cups and the aforementioned blisters and clamshells. Heavy-gauge thermoforming, on the other hand, yields more permanent products like cosmetic surfaces of refrigerators, kiosks, spas, cars and trucks, electronic equipment and more.
Other Materials Used
The list of plastics that manufacturers may use during thermoforming is quite varied. It consists of many thermoplastics, such as acrylic, crystalline polyester, low density polyethylene (LDPE), polystyrene, polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and polypropylene, as well as semi-gloss polymers and other plastics that exhibit qualities of moisture resistance, rigidity and durability. Manufacturers will select which one or ones to use for an application based on their qualities and how they match up with the needs of that application. Before proceeding with the process, they must also decide on clamping force, depth of draw, air pressure, machine dimensions and thickness.

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Thermoforming Informational Video


Robinson Industries Featured in Plastics Today

March 2012—Robinson Industries was featured in Plastics Today after “making the cut” for the Ion Network’s show “World’s Greatest.”  Read the article in full here.... Read More About This

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