
Ultrasonic Jewelry Cleaner Manufacturers and Suppliers

IQS Directory is a top industrial directory listing of leading ultrasonic jewelry cleaner manufacturers and suppliers. Access our comprehensive index to review and source ultrasonic jewelry cleaner manufacturers with preview ads and detailed product descriptions. These ultrasonic jewelry cleaner companies can design, engineer and manufacture ultrasonic jewelry cleaners to your specifications and application needs. A quick and easy to use request for quote form is provided for you to contact these ultrasonic jewelry cleaner manufacturers and suppliers. Each company has detailed profile information, locations, phone number, website links, product videos and product information defined. Read customer reviews and product specific news articles. We are the right resource for your information requirement whether its for a manufacturer of jewelry ultrasonic cleaners, small capacity cleaners, or jewelry polishing machines. Read Industry Info...

  • South Holland, IL

    Since 1972, Esma Inc. has been producing quality ultrasonic cleaners, as well as benchtop electropolishing equipment. Esma offers a unique and progressive approach to automating the ultrasonic cleaning process by transferring liquids to a single ultrasonic process chamber from individual heated storage tanks, which are designed to re-use and filter the detergents, acids and rinse water.

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  • Shelby Township, MI

    Since 1992 Telsonic Ultrasonics has been manufacturing ultrasonic cleaners such as compact cleaners and industrial tanks. As a specialist in ultrasonic technology, we offer innovative applications within the parts and optics industries and even chemical and pharmaceutical products. Our brand new facility houses cutting-edge technology where we strive to improve the quality of our products.

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  • South Elgin, IL

    Great Lakes Finishing Equipment, Inc. is a full line supplier of aqueous and semi-aqueous ultrasonic cleaning equipment. Equipment includes benchtop cleaners, tank and generator series, immersible transducers, console systems and engineered systems. Our customers include defense, aerospace, medical, firearms and industrial.

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  • Ivyland, PA

    Sonic Systems is a recognized leader in the design and manufacture of both ultrasonic cleaners as well as ultrasonic cleaning systems and components for a broad range of industries. We also offer aqueous cleaning equipment and systems.

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  • More Ultrasonic Jewelry Cleaner Companies

Ultrasonic Jewelry Cleaner Industry Information

Ultrasonic Jewelry Cleaner

Ultrasonic jewelry cleaners are small capacity cleaners that use high frequency sound waves to create bubbles that clean and sanitize rings, necklaces, watch bands and other jewelry items. These devices, along with an appropriate cleaning solution, are capable of cleaning even the hardest to reach cracks and crevices in the jewelry.

Aqueous and organic solvents are the two cleaners used in an ultrasonic jewelry cleaner. An aqueous cleaner is a solution in which the solvent is water and, therefore, extremely gentle to jewelry. An organic cleaner contains a chemical solvent which might be too harsh on jewelry depending on the chemical used. The best solutions to use in ultrasonic jewelry cleaning equipment are surfactants, detergents and ammonia. Ultrasonic jewelry cleaners have the advantages of being fast, easy to use, and consistent. They require little manual labor and leave jewelry looking spotless. Ultrasonic jewelry cleaners are ideal for cleaning most metal jewelry, such as gold, stainless steel and silver, although this process may be a little too rough for certain gems set in jewelry pieces. Durable stones, such as diamonds, rubies, garnets and sapphires can benefit from an ultrasonic jewelry cleaner, but emeralds, amber, opals and pearls, which are softer stones, could get dulled or damaged in the ultrasonic cleaning process.

Like all other ultrasonic cleaners, jewelry cleaners have at the least a power source, an immersion tank, a generator and a transducer. The transducer introduces ultrasonic sound waves into the tank which holds a basket containing the jewelry. Controls on the machine allow the operator to select the temperature and time limit. The ultrasonic cleaning process begins when cavitation occurs. Electrically signaled ultrasonic frequencies travel through liquid, stretching and compressing the cleaning solution until the molecules can not be stretched any further. The liquid breaks apart, creating innumerable bubbles that form under negative pressure. The size of these bubbles increases until equilibrium is reached and the bubbles are rapidly compressed. Millions of tiny powerful microbursts from the collapsing bubbles perform a scrubbing action that cleans every surface of the jewelry item. Environmental concerns raised in the last decade have made some companies change the chemistry in their solvents and replace them with biodegradable solvents which eliminate ozone depletion potentials and other hazards. These more environmentally friendly water based solutions replace some of the chemicals used for degreasing. Many companies are also redesigning their cleaning equipment to ensure the solvent is reclaimed automatically in the unit so there is no significant waste stream.

More Ultrasonic Jewelry Cleaner Information

Ultrasonic Benchtop Cleaning System
Industrial Jewelry Cleaners
 Image Provided by Ultrasonic Power Corporation
Image Provided by ESMA, Inc.

Ultrasonic Jewelry Cleaners Informational Video

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