
Waste Shredders in California

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  • Waste Shredders Companies Serving California

  • Panorama City, CA

    EPAX Systems offers superior shredding equipment for use in recycling and other applications. We also offer downstroke and horizontal balers, five varieties of compactors, liquid extractors, densifiers, medical waste systems, dust collectors and monitoring systems. We also offer contract, waste audit, value recovery and total waste management programs. Visit our website to learn more.

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  • Paramount, CA

    The Mark-Costello Co. was founded over 60 years ago in the greater Los Angeles area. They are a large supplier of compactors, balers, and medical waste processing equipment. Excellent customer service and world class quality have made the company a leader in On-Site Medical Waste Sterilization, Waste Compaction and Industrial Recycling Equipment in the marketplace today. Currently the company have offices in California, Arizona and Mexico.

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  • Waste Shredders Companies Serving Oregon

  • Wilsonville, OR

    SSI Shredding designs and manufactures technologically advanced shredding systems for use with materials such as paper, wood, plastic, metals, scrap, and more. Our industry leading line of products includes single, 2 and 4 shaft shredders, as well as primary reducers and compact solutions. We can also custom design a shredder guaranteed to be the most efficient solution to your particular set of needs.

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  • Hillsboro, OR

    MyBinding is one of the largest binding and laminating dealers on the web with over 30 years experience in the binding industry. With a local sales force based in Hillsboro, Oregon we sell a huge variety of equipment and supplies from manufacturers such as GBC, Acco, Akiles, Tamerica, Renz, DFG, and more.

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  • Gold Hill, OR

    Our product line includes granulation and shredding systems, as well as scrap choppers, bulk material industrial shredders and more. Our shredders and choppers serve the food & beverage, scrap recycling, paper, warehouse and fabrication industries with products to fit most applications.

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