Waterjet Cutting Machinery Companies Serving Connecticut
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Waterjet Cutting Machinery Companies Serving New York
Focused on innovation in "cutting edge" technology and precision work, Waterjet NYC provides water jet cutting services for a wide range of materials including: plastics, glass, stone, metals and any more.
Arcadia operates one of the largest waterjet job shops in the eastern U.S., manufacturing custom-cut parts and shapes for a variety of industries. We provide waterjet cutting services using large capacities and 5-axis water jet machining. Allow our experience to improve your manufacturing process.
Waterjet Cutting Machinery Companies Serving Pennsylvania
At Fruehauf Manufacturing, we take pride in delivering precision-engineered solutions through our expertise in water jet cutting. Our advanced capabilities allow us to cut a wide range of materials with exceptional accuracy, meeting the demands of industries that require intricate designs and high-quality finishes.
Hydrojet is leader in 3- and 5-Axis Water jet cutting, CNC machining, Composite machining and tooling manufacturing since 1989. We handle all materials, including composite machining, and offer Five-Axis CMM Inspection and Reverse Engineering. Qualified to ANSI/ISO/ASQ Q9000-2000 and SAE AS9100.
Manufacturing aluminum, composite and steel shipment or storage containers are some of our specialties. With our water jet cutting services and water jet machining, Container Research can cut many materials with thicknesses from shim to 6" plate. Water jet cutting has no heat distortion or mechanical stress.
MetPlas is your single source for cutting edge contract manufacturing. This ISO 9001-2008 registered manufacturer offers expertise in lean manufacturing & a wide range of precision machining, waterjet cutting & assembly of metals & plastics. OEM’s have relied on MetPlas for decades to meet their quality, schedule & budget needs. The logical choice for virtually any contract manufacturing project.
Waterjet Cutting Machinery Companies Serving Massachusetts
Founded in 1916, United Lens Company has been under the same continuous family ownership for the past century. Growth and diversification have always been the company’s touchstones, since it’s modest beginnings as a producer of molded spectacle lens blanks to its current prominence in the industry as a producer of thin film coated, polished, and precision machined optics. United Lens Company has become the only truly vertically integrated company in the optical industry.
Since 1947, B.G. Peck has specialized in custom parts, metal stamping, water jet cutting and tool making for an array of different industries. Our waterjet cutting services allow us to cut cost and reduce processing time whether your needs are simple or complicated, one item or one million. From prototype to full production, B.G. Peck ensures you get the part you need when you need it every time.